Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 91

Whether they never have enough money or have trouble at work — whatever it is — it is a never-ending series of problems . It is almost like they feed on the discord and can ’ t find true peace , but they are unaware of the energy they are wasting . How do we insulate ourselves from their drama and yet be helpful if needed ?
Here are some ideas using the “ lob ” method . This means that whatever the drama or current crisis is , you are there , but you are lobbing it back to their court , like a tennis volley . The responsibility rests within them to learn how to curtail their drama and you don ’ t necessarily need to get sucked in .
Quietly listen . Don ’ t offer advice or say anything in response . If you need to respond , lob it back to them in the form of a question , such as “ Well , what do you think ?”
Quietly watch . Consider just stepping back to observe this person who might be a friend , coworker , or family member . You set the time frame . It could be a day or could be a month . You have the choice to observe and choose whether or not you wish to continue to be around them .
B — BE :
Be there for them , but it doesn ’ t mean you have to solve their day-in and day-out drama . Don ’ t loan them money , for example . Remember , with drama-zone types , when one drama resolves , another is usually close behind .
Remember that managing your time and energy may take practice . You may even need to unlearn habits . Create distraction free times and spaces where you practice knowing what quiet is and what you need for your own mind , body and soul .
This practice helps you percolate peace and bring yourself back to what is most peaceful for you when situations are busier than usual , chaotic or unexpected . Consistency and self-discipline and boundaries are excellent tools to use to manage your time and attention .
ELIZABETH HAMILTON-GUARINO - Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino is the founder of The Best Ever You Network . She is also the author of The Success Guidebook : How to Visualize , Actualize , and Amplify You ( HCI ), The Change Guidebook : How to Align Your Heart , Truths , and Energy to Find Success in All Areas of Your Life ( HCI ) and PERCOLATE : Let Your Best Self Filter Through ( Hay House ). Visit her website at www . besteveryou . com .