Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 90

90 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024

SUCCESS TIP 2 : Control the Controllables

Are you one of those people who feels like they take one step ahead and then several steps back ? I don ’ t know about you , but life to me often feels like we are trying to find a cure for chaos .
Ever have a day or a string of days or even several years that feel like that ? Perspective is key here , as these things mentioned certainly qualify for any of the five D ’ s for sure . However , life happens . As a master life coach for over fifteen years , here are some of the most common phrases I have heard from clients :
Why did this happen ? My life sucks . I don ’ t have good luck . I am not successful . Why me ? I can ’ t . . . because . . . I don ’ t know how . . . Why does this keep happening ( to me )? What can I do ? Is it me ? What am I doing wrong ? I don ’ t know what to do . I don ’ t know how to get through this . If they would have . . . then I . . . This is just awful . I can ’ t manage .
When you encounter something that totally disrupts your normal way of life , or when things seemingly come out of nowhere and derail your safety , security , life as you are living it , well-being , and so forth , it is lifealtering . This is a reminder that we can ’ t always control what happens , so we need to control what we are able to while also realizing that not everything is soul-crushing . Get and maintain perspective .

SUCCESS TIP 3 : Create a No- Drama Zone

Ever been around someone whose life is just one thing after another after another after another and you just want off their life roller coaster ? You want to move forward without their unexpected twists and turns .
Life happens , I totally understand . The long-term effect of even one moment can transform your life for the better or worse . Some moments call for everything you ’ ve got in you to handle the situation and prevail .

90 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024