Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 86

Step 1 : Ask Questions
Step 2 : Take Action
86 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024

Step 1 : Ask Questions

Your 45-Day Practice Period : A Step-by-Step Guide

Before you do any of this you must establish your Higher Self Connection by closing your eyes , asking for your Higher Self to give you your Signals !
Your signals can be and inner visual - color , shape , figure , it could be a feeling in your head , or heart or stomach , or finger ; It could be a scent or taste in your mouth . Some people actually hear the word , “ yes ” or “ no .”
Do not proceed until you feel comfortable with your signals . Make sure you ask , Higher Self , show me my signal for “ yes ,” repeat for no , and then repeat for neutral .
Hint : neutral is not maybe .
Even if your signal is faint , ask for it to be stronger , always addressing the Higher Self by name . ( i . e . Higher Self show me my “ yes ” signal .)
For the next 45 days , start your journey by asking your Higher Self yes or no questions . Keep these questions unimportant and insignificant — things you don ’ t have an emotional investment in , like , “ Higher Self , is it in my Highest and Best Good to wear the red shirt today ?” or “ Higher Self , is it in my Highest and Best Good to take this route to work ?”
Keep asking similar questions until you receive a “ yes .” Refrain from asking predictive or significant questions , as these can invite your ego into the process . Remember , this period is about playful exploration and building a connection , not testing or predicting outcomes .

Step 2 : Take Action

When you receive an answer , always follow through — no exceptions . This commitment is crucial to keeping your practice period clear and effective . After your 45 days , you may choose not to follow your Higher Self ’ s guidance in certain situations , but during this 45 day practice period , consistency is key . This action solidifies the trust and connection you are building .

86 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024