Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 63


“ As you grow older , you will discover that you have two hands , one for helping yourself , the other for helping others .”

And even though most of us know this is an unsustainable way of living , we continue to berate ourselves thinking there is something wrong with us that we can ’ t do it all .
I want to remind you there is nothing wrong with you and if you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted you are not alone . That is why I am delighted to share a transformative self-nurturing morning practice I begin my day with that will help you reclaim yours and begin prioritizing you in your own life .
This 10-minute morning practice will support you in connecting with yourself and will remind you that you matter , you are important , and you deserve to give to yourself the love and kindness that you spread in the world .
When you start the day with this inspiring morning practice , you will learn to listen to yourself , develop clarity about your intentions , and stay grounded in gratitude .
I invite you not to underestimate the power of beginning your day connected to yourself and nurturing your relationship with yourself rather than starting your day tethered to your phone , focusing your attention on everyone else through texts , emails , and social media . You will be amazed how transformative ten minutes can be in reminding you of the power of helping and nurturing yourself first and then giving to others from the overflow in your saucer rather than the last drops in your cup .
You can give yourself the gift of beginning your day with three nurturing practices that make up this inspiring self-nurturing morning practice .

Begin your morning practice with mindfulness .

Upon waking and before leaving your bed , start this practice by breathing mindfully for a few minutes with curiosity , compassion and non-judgement .
Bring your kind , loving attention to yourself by tuning into your breath , your body , your thoughts , your feelings , and what you need .