Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 59

Here ’ s a simple breathing exercise to try :

Here are five mindful practices to incorporate into your evenings for better , more restorative sleep .

1 . Create a Digital Sunset

One of the most significant barriers to quality sleep is screen exposure . Phones , tablets , and TVs emit blue light that disrupts melatonin production — the hormone that regulates sleep . This blue light tricks your brain into thinking it ’ s still daytime , making it harder to fall asleep .
A “ digital sunset ” is a mindful approach to minimizing screen time . Turning off all screens at least an hour before bed creates a tech-free zone in your evening routine . Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV , try these relaxing alternatives :
• Read a physical book : Escape into a story or non-fiction work that helps calm your mind .
• Gentle stretching or yoga : Focus on slow movements to release muscle tension and relax your body .
• Journal your thoughts : Reflect on your day and release any lingering worries by putting them on paper .
By reducing screen time before bed , you signal to your brain that it ’ s time to wind down . A “ digital sunset ” encourages natural melatonin production , which leads to better sleep .

2 . Practice Evening Meditation or Deep Breathing

Stress and tension from the day can often carry over into the night , making sleeping difficult . Meditation and deep breathing exercises are powerful tools for calming the mind and relaxing the body . Even five to ten minutes of mindfulness meditation can create a calming effect , helping ease the transition into sleep .
Here ’ s a simple breathing exercise to try :
1 . Find a quiet , comfortable place to sit or lie down .
2 . Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four . 3 . Hold your breath for four counts . 4 . Exhale slowly through your mouth for four counts . 5 . Repeat for 5 – 10 minutes , focusing on your breath .