Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 56

The best way to find your superpower ( s ) is to ask yourself “ What do I best like about myself ?”


The best way to find your superpower ( s ) is to ask yourself “ What do I best like about myself ?”
And you ’ re not allowed to say , “ Nothing .” It ’ s not true . There is always something you find admirable about yourself , even if it ’ s small .
• Once you ’ ve identified at least one thing , ask yourself : “ How often do I minimize this strength of mine ? Do I think being _______ ( nice , quick , efficient , thorough , etc .) doesn ’ t mean much ?” If you think this , you couldn ’ t be further off base . Each one of those attributes is a huge superpower !
• Go back as far as you can remember — all the way to high school , and maybe further back to when somebody told you that you were super agile on the monkey bars .
Another great way to get a handle on your superpowers is to ask your friends and family members what they admire most about you . Don ’ t dismiss anything they say and write it all down .
Do your two lists match ? Are there surprises ? How can you leverage your superpowers to help yourself and others ?

Congratulations !

You ’ re on your way to being your own superhero !

JUDY WILKINS-SMITH – Judy Wilkins-Smith , author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint : A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns , and her latest book , The Hidden Power In Your DNA , is a highly-regarded organizational , individual and family patterns expert , and Systemic Work & Constellations coach and trainer . For more information : https :// judywilkins-smith . com
• Write your superpowers down on some sticky notes or make a list in a file .
• Print this list and keep it where you can see it everyday .
• Ask yourself , “ How can I use this superpower of mine to better my life ?” Really think about it .
www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024