Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 55


What ’ s your superpower ?

In a minute I ’ m going to ask you to think about what your superpowers are . And here ’ s something to watch out for : Mental toilet talk . In other words , all those automatic , stupid , negative things you tell yourself about yourself all the time .
This is a very common problem for people . And did you know a negative self-image can actually be handed down to you from your ancestors ? It ’ s true . And the science of epigenetics has proven it . Your greatgrandmother could have been told she was stupid . Or maybe she was told it was a good thing she had brains because her looks sure weren ’ t going to get her anywhere . And she let that one comment ruin her whole life . Now , three generations later , you proudly call yourself a “ geek ,” but don ’ t like looking in the mirror .
So , watch out for that little voice that whispers , “ But I don ’ t have any good qualities let alone superpowers .” Don ’ t listen to it !