Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 54

The thing is , every human being has their own unique superpowers .
You want to know one of the greatest of all superpowers ? Kindness . Another superpower is authenticity . Or how about the ability to listen ? Or how about compassion ? Empathy ?
54 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024

Hidden gold

The thing is , every human being has their own unique superpowers .
It ’ s just that most of us don ’ t recognize them as such . We ’ re stuck thinking “ superpowers ” means hurling lightning bolts from our fingertips . As a result , we don ’ t act on and play up our greatest strengths . And yet they are the key to everything .
Look around you at the people with perfectly ordinary jobs who do incredibly well . I ’ ve seen waitresses that make a lot of money . Taxicab drivers that buy their own cab and go into business for themselves . How did they do that ?
It ’ s because they employed their individual strengths to maximize their situation . The waitress brought a bright , genuine smile to the table everyday . They both genuinely cared about the people they served . Their enthusiasm and participation never flagged , even when they were tired or had serious personal problems going on or were scared .
You want to know one of the greatest of all superpowers ? Kindness . Another superpower is authenticity . Or how about the ability to listen ? Or how about compassion ? Empathy ?

54 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024