Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 51

Taking consistent action toward your goals is a powerful signal to the Universe that you are ready to receive the next phase of your journey . Every small step you take helps close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be . It ’ s not just about dreaming — it ’ s about doing . The energy you put into your actions tells the Universe that you ’ re committed and open to receiving the blessings and lifestyle that are waiting for you .

Remember your mind is a tool but you are the boss . The words you speak to yourself are the most powerful of all .

They can either pave the way to success or hold you back , influencing how you feel , how you show up , and ultimately , how you take action . When you change the way you speak to yourself , you change the way the world responds to you .
It is safe for me to receive love and support When you ’ re done , go about your day knowing your intention to receive is now in your heart . Repeat the Radical Receiving Mantra as many times as you wish , and stay open to receiving compliments , gifts , offers for help , time , attention , and love from those who want to give .
At the end of your day , write or record an audio about the wonderful Radical Receiving experiences you enjoyed all day so you can look back at your list and reconnect to the flow of Radical Receiving .
Be patient with this practice . When you ’ ve been giving a lot , it ’ ll take a while to get to where you feel good receiving . But don ’ t give up ! Just like any muscle , keep using your receiving muscle , and you ’ ll develop it up to the point where receiving feels as good as giving .

Radical Receiving is a powerful , delightful way to supercharge your manifesting skills . You ’ ll know your efforts are paying off when you start seeing your biggest , boldest , most beautiful desires come to life faster and more easily than you thought possible !

When a friend says , “ So what do you want for dinner ?” Receive their kind offer to let you choose and give them an honest answer . Don ’ t say , “ Let ’ s have whatever you want !” which I used to do all the time .
KRISTI DEAR – Kristi Dear is an international mindset coach , multimillion-dollar network marketer , best-selling author , and speaker known as The Mindset Chick . She supports her clients & team to break free from any limiting beliefs holding them back so they can reach their full potential . She has also been featured in top publications and on TV shows , Kristi has been married for over 24 years and has three children ages 24 , 22 , & 17 . Learn more at www . KristiDear . com .