Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 50

50 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024


Cast a Vision .



Take Action .

Our brains operate in images , and with over 70,000 thoughts a day , about 80 % of those thoughts are simply repeated from the day before . Unfortunately , many of those repeated thoughts can be negative , reinforcing our sense of stuckness . The fastest path to success is to create a powerful , positive vision of yourself achieving your goals . Picture yourself winning — living in your dream home , earning the money you desire , and being in the relationship you ’ ve always wanted .
You want to immerse yourself in the energy of having already manifested your desires . When you wake up in the morning , ask yourself : If my dreams had already come true , how would I spend my day ? How would I dress ? Who would I surround myself with ? How would I speak to myself ?
Then , mentally rehearse that version of your day . Hold onto the vision of where you ’ re going , not where you are right now . By doing this , you start to shift your energy , change how you feel , and ultimately influence what shows up in your life .
Your dreams are not just meant to be thought about — they are meant to be activated . I believe the dreams placed on your heart are there for a reason , but it ’ s up to you to take the steps toward making them your reality . One of the best ways to get unstuck and start feeling better is to take action .

So ask yourself , What can I do today that will move me one step closer to my goals ?

If your goal is a healthier body , maybe that means going for a walk each day or choosing nourishing foods . If your goal is to increase your income , perhaps it ’ s time to ask for a raise , promote your business more , or network with new people . If your goal is to find a loving relationship , maybe it ’ s about putting yourself in spaces where you can meet fun , like-minded people who share your values .
This practice is about aligning your mindset with the reality you want to create . When you consistently focus on your vision and see yourself already living it , you begin to attract the opportunities , people , and circumstances that will help make that vision a reality .

50 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024