Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 49

and you start asking yourself , “ Why does it seem so easy for them , and hard for me ?” The frustration builds , making it harder to stay motivated and focused .
If you ’ ve ever felt this way , I completely understand — I ’ ve been there too , both in life and in business . But don ’ t worry , I ’ m here to help ! I ’ m going to share three powerful mindset steps that helped me break free from feeling stuck so I could create the life and business success I was longing for . My goal is to empower you with these same steps so you can apply them and start manifesting your dreams too .


Decide what you want .

First start with getting crystal clear on what you truly desire in your life . Do you want more income ? If so , how much ? Do you desire more love in your life ? What does that love look like to you ? Do you want to be happier ? What does happiness look like for you — what would you be doing differently ?
Think of it like ordering at a restaurant . When the waiter asks what you want , you wouldn ’ t just say , “ I don ’ t know , bring me whatever .” If you did , you ’ d get whatever they decided to bring you . Instead , you get specific about what you want , and then you ask for it .

Are you asking for what you truly want ?

Most people don ’ t reach their dreams and goals because they ’ re not clear on what they really want . So , get clear . Define what you want , and write it down . I often recommend starting with 3-5 goals , and then writing them down as if they ’ ve already come true .
For example : “ I am so thankful and happy that I am now making [ insert amount ] per month .” “ I am so thankful and happy to be in a loving relationship .” “ I am so thankful and happy to be living in my dream home .”

Write these affirmations on a notecard and carry it with you everywhere . At least once a day , pull it out , read it aloud , and really feel those words .

This simple practice will help you start directing your life with your words and feeling like it ’ s possible .