Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 47

but keep in mind that the point of practicing is to do the thing . In all three cases , these Ps should lead to action .
Nervous to ask for that promotion ? Prepare your talking points , plan for possible questions or objections , and practice what you ’ re going to say . Just remember , in order for it to be confidence building , you actually need to go ask for that promotion !
If that ’ s self-care to you , great . It ’ s not the entirety of what self-care means , though , and it has an element of privilege that makes it seem like only people with excess time and money can practice self-care .
I ’ m talking about things that actually fill your cup and bring you energy , and they don ’ t have to be expensive or complicated . Selfcare for you might be deep breathing . It might be moving your body , getting outside , or reading a book .
What is it for you ? What fills your cup and gives you energy ? I ’ d also like to point out the word “ practice ” is crucial here , because self-care is ongoing , and practice is how we get better at just about anything .

The Benefits of Building True Confidence Are Endless

You ’ re the only person responsible for building your confidence . You are the creator , the decider , and the giver .
When you build confidence , the benefits will impact every area of your life — your career , your family , your relationships , and even your hobbies . You ’ ll enjoy more peace and freedom instead of beating yourself up . You ’ ll make better decisions . You ’ ll take risks . You ’ ll chase bigger dreams . When your confidence is in your pocket , you ’ ll know that validation is really best used for parking .


My fourth suggestion for building confidence are the three Ps : Prepare , Plan , and Practice . I pass them on with a word of caution , though . Being prepared is great , but overpreparing will chip away at your confidence .
Having a plan helps , but being overly attached to the plan will become problematic . And for the love of all things holy , practice ,
NICOLE KALIL – Nicole Kalil is an in-demand speaker , author of Validation is For Parking , respected coach , and host of the top 1 % globally downloaded podcast “ This Is Woman ’ s Work ”, her stalkerlike obsession with confidence sets her apart from the constant stream of experts telling us to BE confident . She actually shares HOW you build it , and gives actionable tools you can implement immediately . To learn more , visit nicolekalil . com .