Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 45

Confidence is when you trust yourself , firmly and boldly .
And trusting yourself is not a “ If you go first , I ’ ll do it , too ,” proposition . There isn ’ t anyone or anything to prove yourself to , wait for , or find .
All you have to do is figure out who has it , like some incessant game of Where ’ s Waldo . But once you find it , you still have to prove yourself worthy — the right clothes , the right job , the right house , the right marriage , or the right number on the scale — and they ’ ll hand it over so you can finally feel good about yourself .
Does this sound like a game you ’ d want to play ? Of course not . It ’ s ridiculous , but so many of us are playing this game and operating as if it ’ s how confidence works .

Confidence is when you trust yourself , firmly and boldly .

And trusting yourself is not a “ If you go first , I ’ ll do it , too ,” proposition . There isn ’ t anyone or anything to prove yourself to , wait for , or find .

Here are four specific strategies for building REAL CONFIDENCE , internally .

The empowering kind that ’ s based on trust , isn ’ t conditional , and can ’ t be taken away .


True confidence is built internally and involves one person ( hint : it ’ s YOU ). We ’ ve been seeking it from all the wrong sources , especially as women .
When you ask anyone who they trust , they ’ ll answer with some version of , “ People who keep their commitments .” We trust people who do what they say they will . So a phenomenal way to build internal trust is to keep our word .