Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 39

5 . Be more spontaneous
approach : ask for more . For example , visualize choosing between two great job offers instead of one . Once you do , you ’ ll suddenly feel like your original goal isn ’ t so big after all . And when your desires do manifest , be sure to celebrate every little success along the way .
5 . Be more spontaneous
Always , always leave room for the unexpected when manifesting . You can have your vision — and make it as wildly satisfying and successful as possible — but remember that life ’ s greatest treasures are often the moments you couldn ’ t have orchestrated .
Being open to these moments becomes easier when you work on healing so you can feel safe enough to be playful and spontaneous .
It is in these unguarded , unplanned moments that new possibilities often find you , and this wink from the Universe offers you a glimpse into something magical , and yes , maybe even eternal .
By following these tips , you ’ ll be on your way to feeling better about the process of manifesting your goals . After all , manifesting is much more fun when we ’ re motivated by curiosity and joy , not survival . Try them whenever manifesting feels like a struggle and you need supportive guidance to get back on track . And , of course , keep in mind that taking care of your basic physical and emotional needs builds a healthy foundation for manifesting in a self-compassionate and sustainable way .
DR . ANNA KRESS - Dr . Anna Kress is a Princeton University-trained clinical psychologist and the author of Heal Your Past to Manifest Your Future : Trauma-Informed Practices to Release Emotional Blocks and Open to Life ’ s Possibilities . She has over twenty years of experience providing trauma-informed psychotherapy to help individuals heal past wounds and create the life they ’ ve always wanted . Learn more at DrAnnaKress . com .