Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 38

2 . Give your inner child all the love and support it needs
3 . Find role models and running buddies
4 . Dream bigger and celebrate small manifestations
38 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024
Once we recognize that we ’ re in survival mode , we can use strategies to regulate our nervous system . This can include basic stress management tools such as exercise , deep breathing , meditation , talking to a supportive friend , giving ourselves compassion , and taking very small actions to get out of a rut .
2 . Give your inner child all the love and support it needs
When we ’ re triggered around goals , it ’ s often because a younger part of ourselves doesn ’ t feel safe . It ’ s important to turn inward and give these wounded , younger versions of ourselves the love and care they still yearn for .
This can look like noticing that you feel anxious about whether you ’ ll achieve a goal and taking a few moments to step back and see that it ’ s just one part of you that ’ s afraid .
Once you locate the part , you can validate its feelings ( you don ’ t have to agree with the feelings , just let the part know that it makes sense ) and provide soothing , support , and reassurance .
This process is called reparenting . Do this often enough and your inner child will know that it can count on you to be its secure adult figure when it feels scared . This ensures that your adult self , rather than a younger part of you , is in the driver ’ s seat when it comes to goals .
3 . Find role models and running buddies
Manifesting is much easier when we have role models who show us that what we want is possible . In psychology , this is called the Bannister effect — after Roger Bannister , the first to run a mile in under four minutes and an inspiration to many others who immediately did the same . To find role models , get creative and make a list of people who started out just like you and have achieved the things you ’ re trying to manifest . To make manifesting even easier , join a group of people who are working on the same goals as you . If you can ’ t find one , consider starting a group !
4 . Dream bigger and celebrate small manifestations
Sometimes our dreams feel out of reach not because they ’ re unachievable , but because we struggle to believe in their possibility . If this is the case for you , try a paradoxical

38 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024