Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 37

1 . Take the survival energy out of manifesting

Here are five ways to make manifesting more fun .

1 . Take the survival energy out of manifesting
Manifesting often becomes stressful when we get stuck in survival mode . You know you ’ re in survival mode when you get emotionally triggered often and struggle to feel safe and secure . You have a stress response that gets stuck in the “ on ” position and don ’ t have a reliable way to turn it off . This can look like the following stress responses :
• Fight : frustration , anger , irritability , criticism , self-criticism , pushing and forcing outcomes you want
• Flight : anxiety , worry , restlessness , overworking , overexercising , overefforting or trying too hard , chasing people and things you want
• Freeze : procrastination , avoidance , feel numb , lethargy , brain fog , hopelessness , helplessness , unable to take action toward goals
• Fawn : people-pleasing , overfocusing on others , over-helping , neglecting your own desires and goals
To take the survival energy out of manifesting , we have to become aware that we ’ re triggered and stuck in a stress response .