Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 31

“ The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched .
They must be felt with the heart .”

“ The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched .

They must be felt with the heart .”

Energy is everything and everything is energy .
Healing doesn ’ t take place in your mind ; it happens by tapping into this quantum field of energy through your heart .
Your heart center actually transmutes this high vibe energy so you can use it for healing , inner peace , and the manifestation of your intentions .
You were born as an open channel of energy , for it is your divine nature . Although you are in a physical body , you are connected to a universal energy field that is formless , vibrating , and emanates from you and through you . Moreover , you can consciously plug into this energetic force field or divine “ source field ” through opening your heart .
Mystics , spiritual leaders , and healers have long known that the heart center is the gateway to wisdom and well-being . This is evident in images of saints and sages , all of whom are depicted with open , shining hearts .
Your heart is a portal to this divine source field . Through opening your heart , you become a conduit for transmitting and receiving this powerful energy . You awaken to your authentic self at soul level and this leads to self-healing and co-creating the life you ’ ve only dreamed .
Although each person taps in to this energy differently , we all are connected to the same universal energy field . It ’ s not our ability which determines the extent to which we can receive and transmit this energy , but rather how open we are through our heart center .
For some of us , it ’ s natural and easy to open our hearts and connect to this energy field . For others , it takes more effort and sustained practice . We may not realize that it ’ s even possible to access healing energy in this manner . Yet , it ’ s completely within our reach .
Over the years , I have created a sacred practice that helps me to stay in high vibe , release stress and anxiety , and promote spiritual clarity and well-being . I first discovered this quantum energy practice when I was training as an energy healer .
First , you need to learn how to recalibrate your energy by shifting from the lower vibration of your brain ( ego / fear ) to the higher vibration of your heart ( soul / love ).