Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 29

Holding onto non-physical clutter can be equally as disruptive as holding onto physical clutter . While it may not be as easy to see , it is still in our energy fields .
Holding onto things that are not useful , that we do not love , that we do not use all block the flow of giving and receiving and the natural cycles of our own lives .

Holding onto non-physical clutter can be equally as disruptive as holding onto physical clutter . While it may not be as easy to see , it is still in our energy fields .

It still reflects blocked emotions and creates imbalance in our lives . The energy of clutter is constantly sending us messages about ourselves and how we feel about ourselves .
I encourage you to take some time to examine all forms of invisible clutter in your life . Set intentions on what you desire to experience in your life and release everything that does not support alignment of your thoughts , emotions and actions .
FELICIA MESSINA-D ’ HAITI - Felicia Messina- D ’ Haiti is a Feng Shui Expert and Soul Coaching ® Master Practitioner and Trainer , and Elemental Space Clearing ® Practitioner and bestselling coauthor of numerous books . She has served as a master mentor for Denise Linn ’ s Elemental Space Clearing ® Certification course as well as her Ultimate Clutter Clearing Coach Certification course . Felicia is also a Master Intuitive Coach , certified by Colette Baron-Reid . Learn more about her evergreen program , Elevate the Abundance Frequency of Your Home with Feng Shui . Download your free , Align with Abundance Feng Shui Enhancement Set today .