Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 28

Reflect on the beauty and perfection of all things in nature . Nature moves through cycles and is in a consistent state of giving and receiving , growing and releasing .
28 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024

4 . Digital Clutter :

One thing that many times goes unnoticed as clutter is digital clutter . Take a look at your cell phone . How many apps , photos and documents do you have on your device ? Do the same for your computer and look at the documents , emails , and other items there .
Do you need all of those items ? How easy is it for you to find what you need quickly ? How often do you reference the items there ? I encourage you to take some time to delete ( release ) old contacts , emails and other documents that you do not access often .
This can also apply to your social media . Everything in our energetic field that is unused and that we are holding negative feelings towards blocks the flow of energy in our lives .

Reflect on the beauty and perfection of all things in nature . Nature moves through cycles and is in a consistent state of giving and receiving , growing and releasing .

28 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2024