Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 27

simply say “ No .” If you are unsure , tell them you need to check your calendar and get back to them . Each time we say yes to something , we are saying no to something else . Please do not pressure yourself to get everything done for everyone . Honor yourself and trust yourself .

3 . Relationship Clutter :

Relationship Clutter can come in varied forms as well . Relationship clutter can result from holding onto emotions from events of the past that block us from living fully and moving forward in our relationship with ourselves and with others .
Are you holding onto a relationship out of obligation or guilt ? Are your relationships balanced and loving ? Are there things that you feel you need to say but are holding back out of fear ? Are there emotions from past hurts , disappointments or other occurrences that are blocking moving forward in your relationships ?
Examining our lives for relationship clutter is a perfect time to examine our relationship with ourselves because everything else is a reflection of that . Are there things that you need to clear up with yourself ?
Take some time to reflect on and bring these things up for clearing and forgiveness . We also need to examine how supported we feel in our relationships . Are there toxic relationships in our lives that we are being called to completely release ? How can we enhance our relationship with ourselves ?