Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 25

Release all judgments about why it hasn ’ t gotten done up to this point , forgive yourself for those judgments and open up a path forward .

1 . Always Start with

The To-Do List :

What does your To-Do List look like right now ? Does it have a few items on it ? Is it an ever-growing pages long list ? Or somewhere in between ? When our To-Do list becomes unmanageable , it tells us that life is unmanageable , that it ’ s impossible to get things done , or that we just have too much to do .
By not getting things completed on the list , we also give subconscious various messages . Some of these messages could be that I do not keep my commitments to myself , that I don ’ t finish what I start , or that I ’ m not able to get things done .
To Keep the To-Do List manageable , take a look at how long different tasks have been on the list . If something has been there more than three months , ask if it really needs to be completed . Does it need to be completed by you , or can it be delegated ? Do you need to ask for support ( paid or unpaid )?
If the item is necessary and needs to be completed by you , make a commitment to get it done . Would it be supportive to break the task down into smaller steps ? Is there a way to incorporate it into another task ? And is there a way to make the task a more joyful or fun one ?

Release all judgments about why it hasn ’ t gotten done up to this point , forgive yourself for those judgments and open up a path forward .