Oct/Nov 2024 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 21

Affirmation : “ I have all the strengths I need within me to tackle the projects I have in front of me .” never happen . Instead of presuming the worst possible outcomes and living them in our minds like they ’ re already happening , we must accept that we cannot know what the future holds .
Affirmation : “ This situation is not as big and bad as my mind is trying to trick me into believing , so I ’ m choosing to imagine a more likely scenario while knowing I can handle any outcome .”
Many people can quickly list their flaws but struggle to identify their talents . Instead of scrutinizing all the capabilities we believe we lack , we should focus on assessing our strengths and determine how we can apply them to overcome challenges and thrive .
Ask yourself :
• What personal or professional tasks do I accomplish without much difficulty ?
• What types of things do people always come to me for input or assistance ?
• What do people who know me best say I ’ m great at ?
When we know what we ’ re great at , we can use those strengths to make a positive impact at work and in the community . Recognizing that we already possess the strengths needed to tackle our projects can empower us to face obstacles with confidence .

Affirmation : “ I have all the strengths I need within me to tackle the projects I have in front of me .” never happen . Instead of presuming the worst possible outcomes and living them in our minds like they ’ re already happening , we must accept that we cannot know what the future holds .

Ask yourself :
• What evidence do I have that supports this catastrophizing thought ?
• What evidence do I have that debunks this catastrophizing thought ?
• After reviewing my evidence , what revisions do I want to make to my conclusions ?
We must acknowledge that catastrophizing doesn ’ t prepare us for the worst ; it only creates or prolongs pain . We can challenge the credibility of our imagined catastrophes and focus on scripting successes .

Affirmation : “ This situation is not as big and bad as my mind is trying to trick me into believing , so I ’ m choosing to imagine a more likely scenario while knowing I can handle any outcome .”

It ’ s not uncommon for us to contemplate all the ways something could go wrong , believing that running through these scenarios gives us more control . This kind of worry is not control — it ’ s a waste of time scripting mental catastrophes that will likely
Rather than constantly reliving past mistakes , reprimanding ourselves , and fantasizing about what might have been , we need to understand that making mistakes is an unavoidable part of life . We can extract valuable lessons from