Be grateful for what you have . If things are really bad , be grateful for being able to breathe , get out of bed in the morning , use your legs . Be grateful for the sunrise and sunset , for the beauty of the sky , the trees , the birds and flowers . There is always something to be grateful for . Put your focus there and celebrate what you have .
Laughter is a powerful attractor factor . Seek out ways to bring more laughter into your life . You will be amazed at the miracles that occur .
Benefits :
When you befriend the mind you are surprised how radically life can change . It becomes much easier to disidentify from the mind ’ s constant chattering and see yourself , and life ’ s situations , with more clarity and objectivity . You see life ’ s dramas with perspective and compassion , and insights and understandings arise naturally .
Directions :
Find ways to befriend your mind . The mind is a bridge from the subconscious to the conscious , a gateway of expression to the outer world . Be grateful for your mind . Find ways to appreciate the insights , understandings , and creativity it brings . See it not as an enemy but as a friend .
As this friendship with the mind deepens , your mind no longer disturbs you . You are not fighting it ; you are simply letting its thoughts pass by . Ego / mind wants to make life complicated , but it is not .
Life sings a different tune when you are not controlled by the mind . Your natural joy , spontaneity , self-acceptance , love and compassion arise quickly and easily . Your innate wisdom shines through .