Oct/Nov 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 45

the stillness of mind — a cessation of the money mind chatter . You ‘ know the truth ’, receive inspiration , ideas , signs or whispers . You intuit creative directions for which inspired actions to take next . Characters will come to life , dialogue will spill onto the page , and ‘ the perfect words ’ show up - almost magically it seems . Trusting these when they feel aligned with your heart ’ s passion and highest values brings success .
1 . STOP just stop . Breathe for a moment and realize - life it what it is , your circumstances are what they are - for today . People are being who they are from their physical , emotional , mental , moral , and spiritual levels of development - just as you are . External circumstances in the world are what they are . You can control some of these so take compassionate right action . Be realistic about what you can ’ t change so you ’ re not exhausting yourself needlessly .
2 . Breathe and ASSESS your challenges , your ‘ boulders in the river .’ Become aware of the situations which crop up repeatedly . Hint : you ’ ve probably been telling the stories of your drama , AKA ‘ wild ride ’, you ’ ve had to anyone who ’ ll listen Identify the Class 5 rapid situations that are traumatic . Now realize that you are creating the problems in your future from this mindset rehashing the vibration of past events and experiences . What are the belief structures involved that may not be realistic vs . perceived ? ASSESS what is z happening versus the illusions your mind traps you in .
3 . ASSESS positive aspects of what ’ s going well , what strengths you have , and what you can be grateful for . Look 360 degrees at what is really happening - including being accountable for your co-creating the situation . Stop and breathe , lean into clarity instead of denying or distracting by coping with addictive behaviors : eating , smoking , drugging , drinking , sexing , shopping , gaming , binge watching television , etc .… These drain your energy and disempower you .
4 . CLARIFY what resources you actually have , what knowledge , skills , and abilities have you gained over the years that the fearful part of you may not be acknowledging . What supports , mentors , coaches , courses , or practices will enable you to grow beyond ? Write a ‘ Light List ’ of your positive attributes . Are you noticing your stress reducing , feeling less of an emotional charge , and calmer and more hopeful ? With clarity comes a feeling of “ I ’ ve got this ; I can manage this .” Ah , that ’ s a good feeling , isn ’ t it ?
5 . Now you are ready to PROBLEM SOLVE from a different perspective with a quiet mind . It ’ s easier to connect with soul to receive inspirational ideas , messages , and an expanded version of what ’ s possible . This is a great time to journal or use a voice recorder to capture your spoken thoughts - great for auditory learners . If you ’ re a visual learner grab that paint brush , marker , pastels or colored pencils and give yourself permission to interpret through color and form your thoughts and emotions .
6 . Great job ! Now you ’ re ready to take ONE inspired ACTION aligned with your