5 . Connection with Spirit and Goddess energies .
I use the Records to connect with Spirit and the Goddesses . The Records are a sacred vibration , where I can relax into the energy of nothing and rely on the messages I receive .
Most of my clients want to know how to connect to the support and guidance from the Goddess realm and I take them on a journey into their Records . The intention of this journey to feel the energy of the Goddesses and many other Ascended Masters that come through . The Records have become an essential tool to amplify the results I witness with my clients .
Recently , I had an extremely powerful meditation with Mary Magdalene . This meditation is the steppingstone to reconnect with your sacred truth and to remember who you truly are , at the soul level . Many of us are scared of stepping in that space and being seen as different . The reality is that being different , especially in this arena , is absolutely beautiful .
A SACRED GIFT FOR YOU ! I wish to share the magic of this Mary Magdalene meditation with you .
Claim your free meditation here and begin the journey back to yourself .
Jami Hearn - Jami is an Intuitive Women ’ s Empowerment Coach who empowers successful spiritual women who , despite outside success , still struggle with selfjudgment . Inner worth , and a lack of purpose . Through her coaching , offerings and retreats , Jami empowers women to reconnect to their sacred wisdom , own their sovereign voice , and step into their divine feminine power , so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of . Unleash your inner goddess ! Jami invites you to take the transformational
Goddess Archetype Quiz today . You can learn more about Jami ’ s empowering services at
www . JamiHearn . com .
“ Every soul has its own unique gifts and talents .”
Jami Hearn