Dec24/Jan25 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 43

Our inner critic creates the disempowering and untrue whisperings of self-talk that we hear in our minds . It comes from conditioned responses based on our life experiences , self-judgments , fears , and evolution ’ s fight or flight responses hard coded in our reptilian brain . Its altruistic design is to whisper ideas or messages that it thinks will keep us safe and comfortably stuck where we are .
But , if we can instead sit down and have a conversation with our inner wisdom , aka , our heart , and intuition , we can uncover our personal false beliefs , stories , and patterns . From that place of awareness , we can choose to take inspired actions on new thoughts , patterns , and beliefs .
A question that comes up often when working with our inner critic is “ How do we discern the voice of our inner critic from that of our higher self ? To answer that fully , it ’ s important to first understand the whispers of your inner critic .


1 . Feelings of Not- Enoughness .

“ I ’ m not enough ” or “ I ’ m not worthy ”. “ Who am I to do or say that ?” We may feel misaligned , disconnected , or unbalanced . We may feel we are not worthy or accepting of help . We may sense a lack of trust in ourselves or others . We believe that good things always come to others but not to us and true success is just a pipe dream .

2 . Judgment , Selfdoubt , & Worry .

“ I ’ m so stupid ” or “ I can ’ t do this ”. The thoughts or beliefs we are focusing on induce anxiety and take away the joy in the moment . These thoughts can leave us feeling drained , negative , stuck , overwhelmed , exhausted , or powerless to change our situation .