Dec24/Jan25 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 33


Night Vision

The New Moon .

This is the phase when the moon is dark and is most associated with setting intentions and fresh starts . The new moon is the ideal time to pay attention to boosting your dream recall . It is the phase most associated with setting intentions and fresh starts . So , tell yourself you are going to take your dreams seriously again . Set the intention to dream before you fall asleep .
To start investing in your dreams , you must set the intention to regard your dreams as valuable and wonderful again . If you struggle with dream recall , pay attention to your stress levels during the day , eat plenty of vitamin B in your diet as that is the dream recall vitamin and read lots of fantasy novels . A spot of video gaming is also excellent for dream recall .

Be patient with yourself if you have got into the habit of forgetting your dreams .

where your attention goes during the day is what your dreams return to at night . And when you wake up , keep still with your eyes closed for a few moments as any movement pushes you too fast into waking reality , and your dreams will not catch you . Avoid alarm clocks , if possible , as they are the enemy of dream recall and heart health and shake you awake too violently . Natural waking is optimum for dream recall .

The Waxing Moon .

Be patient with yourself if you have got into the habit of forgetting your dreams . You are dreaming ( everybody does at least five times a night ), you have just stopped remembering them . Simply thinking about the possibility of dreaming and reading this blog may well trigger recall on waking again because
This is when the moon is steadily growing in the sky and the perfect time to take positive action and tend to your sleep hygiene . Make sure you get plenty of exercise and natural daylight during the day so that when you go to bed , you are exhausted and ready to dream . Use your mind ’ s creativity during the day so that it has plenty of inspiration to empower your dreams .
Avoid sleep-disrupting screens an hour before bedtime . If you are not sleeping well , you will not have enough quality REM or rapid eye movement stage of sleep when most but not all dreaming happens . Make your bedroom a temple for your dreams