3 . Hold yourself to a higher standard .
4 . Be willing to change .
5 . Open up to magic .
3 . Hold yourself to a higher standard .
In the German folktale about a girl dropping her spindle into a well , the girl helps the apple trees harvest their apples , helps the loaves of bread bake themselves , and then meets Grandmother Winter who rewards her for her work ethic . Be the beacon of kindness or the spirit of solution that helps others . Just as teaching a subject helps us learn about it , so does serving others help us get out of our own doldrums .
4 . Be willing to change .
The Celtic goddess Cerridwen had to change shape in order to chase her prey . She chased the boy who had stolen her magic but he turned into a rabbit and ran . Cerridwen turned into a greyhound and gave chase , but at the river he turned into a fish . Cerridwen morphed into an otter and dove after him , but the boy turned into a bird and flew high . She changed into a hawk but , in the sky , he turned into a grain of corn and fell to the ground . Quick as a wink , Cerridwen changed into a hen and ate him up . It may be a macabre tale but it shows how important flexibility is and that change may come quickly .
5 . Open up to magic .
World stories are mystical and charming , as well as brutal and challenging . But they teach us to find the magic in the little nooks and crannies , in the smallest of things , and to be grateful for them .
Seeing the potential in your situation is what brings joy and light to what is otherwise an obstacle . Soften the edges , see the beauty , hold yourself to a higher standard , and be willing to change . Above all , see the magic of the world and share it with others .
HOLLY BELLEBUONO - Herbalist and author Holly Bellebuono is the founder of the online curriculum The Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine for healing arts practitioners , and Selle Impact Consulting for purpose-driven companies . Holly ’ s 8th book Once Upon A Place : Forests , Caverns and Other Places of Transformation ( Llewellyn , March 2025 ) explores the beauty and the challenge of the hero ’ s journey and the human experience . www . hollybellebuono . com .