Here ’ s a beautiful mantra that you can use today , that came through for me as I was receiving this sacred message of miracles for you .
“ I am divinely loved and supported . I am receiving miracles as we speak . And I see them manifesting all around me .”
Through tapping into your innate lovingenergy , watching your words , and intentionally aligning your vision with your free will , you experience what I call a “ divine reset™ ” through which you can call in and experience miracles .
You experience a re-calibration of your life , a re-birth of hope , a re-connection of your soul-self , a re-visioning of your life , a rebalance of your body , mind , and spirit , and a divine re-set™ that starts from the shift that you create within you .
It ’ s my intention , beautiful soul , that today you believe in your power to call in miracles and experience the magic of them unfolding in your life . xo , Lisa
Embracing an
Empowered Lifeview™
Welcomes New Expert Columnist LISA HROMADA
In Lisa Hromada ’ s inspirational column , Embracing an Empowered Lifeview™ , you ’ ll learn practical spiritual teachings to guide you to breakthrough life challenges , reclaim your inner peace , and cultivate the clarity you need to live a life of meaning , joy , and spiritual connection . Watch for her column in the next issue !