Dec24/Jan25 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25

“ Experience ” is the keyword here . Experience the feeling of joy , gratitude , and expansion fully in your heart for the miracle it is to have all that you do in this moment — something as simple as your sight or the chair on which you sit .
Ask yourself , “ What feels good to me in this moment ?” “ What can I see , whether in my outer circumstances or within me , that makes me feel good , grateful , joyful , or relaxed ?”
The intention is to experience the same emotions as you would when your miracle has fully manifested and materialized .
So , if you ’ re feeling like you need a miracle right now , what you ’ ll find in this article is my process and a short mantra from my experience , that will guide you to absolutely align yourself to receive a miracle .
Before you explore the process , here is a powerful place to begin .
Recall that joy , excitement , sparkle , wonder , and fascination you had when you were young .
And know that it is still there . Recall your power to imagine and create .
Recall the capacity you had as a child , and still have , to EXPERIENCE connecting
with the magic and miracle of YOU , simply through what you can imagine for yourself .
Next , come to a space of openness and calm . Clear your inner slate . Lift the limitations within your mind — those that play on repeat , keeping you feeling stuck and separate from the miracle that you want to experience .
You can do this through intentional breathing and consciously and directly stating within yourself affirmative words .
Here ’ s an example : “ I release any and all limitations and allow miracles to manifest for me through the light of love , and of the highest presence , with ease , grace , and flow .”
In this open and clear , calm inner space , miracles begin working their magic more quickly .