Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 88

88 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2024


We have all been taught to think logically and make decisions with rational thinking such as weighing the pros and cons . But making decisions with your head is not the right way for any of us to make decisions . Aligned choices and decisions are about whether it feels right .
In Human Design , we all have a special decision-making center in our bodies called our Authority . Learning what your Human Design Authority is and how to use it to make aligned choices helps you make the choices that are right for you . When you know how to make clear and aligned choices , you can bounce back faster .


You must know and embrace your selfworth . Human Design teaches us that we have a unique role or life purpose to live out in this world . You are a valuable piece of the puzzle we call the Human Story . The puzzle cannot be completed without your puzzle piece .
You have a valuable contribution to make and the natural gifts and talents to make it . You are enough . Learn to recognize your valuable contribution and what it is worth . Don ’ t allow yourself to judge your self-worth by the standards set by others .


Practice Emotional Intelligence by learning to control your own emotions and by having empathy and compassion for others . Learn to recognize your triggers and get in the habit of responding rather than reacting in an uncontrolled , chaotic way . Practicing the ability to do this helps you pause , regroup , and respond without upsetting yourself as much , without creating drama , or deteriorating your relationships with others .
Tap into your emotional wisdom . Listen to yourself . Listen to what your body is telling you . Where are you tense ? Do you clench your jaw or tense up your shoulders when you are triggered ? Body language is also a way we express our emotions .


You came into this world with a purpose and a set of gifts , skills , and talents to support you in fulfilling your purpose . You are divinely designed to be unique and powerful . Be empowered to put yourself out in the world and fulfill your purpose .

“ Tap into your emotional wisdom . Listen to yourself . Listen to what your body is telling you .”

88 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2024