Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 81

They Haven ’ t Known What Else to Do ( Until Now )
How do we have a rock-solid relationship with a long-term committed partner , without pleasing , without compromise , without bulldozing ? Start with these two steps .

Step One : Perspective Shift

The first step is to experience a SHIFT in your perspective . There are nearly eight billion people on the planet , and every single one of them has their own unique blueprint that is different from yours . Having differences between you and your partner is NOT the problem .
Humans are wired differently . At times , these differences cause kerfuffles . Those kerfuffles are real . Trying to make people “ the same ” is not the answer . For decades , people have been trying to either make the other person more like them , convince them to see it their way or seek a partner that is MORE like them , all to avoid the real kerfuffles caused by differences .

Step Two : Skill Sets for Solving Kerfuffles

Building a long-term love relationship with someone who is wired differently than you is NOT the problem . The problem is running to the end of your skill set to solve the kerfuffles that are caused by those differences .
There IS a way to SOLVE ( not settle ) the kerfuffles caused WITHOUT making someone wrong , without making someone change , and without breaking down the relationship .
For instance , my husband Paul talks very little . It ’ s part of his wiring . He THINKS a great deal , but says very little .