Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 80

80 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2024


When people reach their limit on trying to convince their partner , they usually wind up doing one of two outdated and broken relationship tactics :
Failed Tactic # 1 : Pleasing Failed Tactic # 2 : Bulldozing
They either give up ( please ) or plow over ( bulldoze ) to move things forward . But both of those feel like crap . You already know that , because you hate it when you feel like the only way to get peace is to give in .
You also hate the feeling of having to bulldoze your partner just to move things forward , only to live in the “ aftermath ” of that ( either fighting or silence ).
Both of those old , broken tactics haven ’ t worked in long-term relationships in a very long time . Both Pleasing and Bulldozing BREAK DOWN a relationship .
You ’ ve experienced this too , correct ? After you ’ ve pleased someone else , do you feel closer to them or more distant ? Do you have more confidence in your partnership with them or less ? ( You already know the answers to these questions .)
It ’ s the same with bulldozing . Whether you are the bulldozer or you have been bulldozed , afterwards do you feel closer or farther apart ? More confident in your partnership with them or less ? ( Same answers .)
So if both of those tactics are such garbage , WHY do people keep doing them , day after day , hoping for better results ?

80 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2024