Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 79

It could be the way your partner sees the household responsibilities , their parenting , their views on money and spending , how much they work , differences on how to spend time - anything where you don ’ t see eye-to-eye that ’ s causing friction in your relationship .
When this “ insurmountable difference ” the two of you keep coming up against remains unsolved , what usually happens is that one ( or both ) of you starts feeling unsupported , incompatible or unloved .
Typically , what most people do in this situation is KEEP trying to get your partner to SEE your perspective . If they just UNDERSTOOD , they would “ get it ” and agree with you .
Most humans run through the list of ways to get “ on the same page ” with their committed love partner .
Typically that looks something like this :
Ask them for what you need , try to convince them , drop hint after hint , “ suck it up ” and compromise , barter , coerce , try to make them think that doing it your way is their idea or use guilt or shame so they see how wrong they are .
Most people will also tell anyone who will listen how wrong their partner is , and the people they tell are all too happy to agree with them and tell them that they “ shouldn ’ t have to put up with that ” or that they “ deserve better .”
You ’ ve been in this situation , yes ?