Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 73


“ You can ’ t stop the waves , but you can learn to surf .”

Transitions are stressful for many reasons , including that they bring a loss of an old identity and a journey into the unknown . Most of us feel anxious when it comes to the unknown . We can feel overwhelmed by the pressure of all the decisions that need to be made . Since change is a consistent companion on this journey of life , choosing to nurture ourselves through the process empowers us to live with more peace , joy and meaning .
Although change can be deeply unsettling , we can remain grounded by acknowledging the loss , processing our emotions , and then looking to the infinite possibilities in front of us .
We can choose not to resist the change but instead turn toward the possibilities that change provides in our lives . We can nurture ourselves through the process and feel empowered to navigate change with grace .
Choosing to focus our attention and intention on what we can control is a wise choice that empowers us to “ learn to surf ” when we cannot control the waves . Choosing to intentionally nurture ourselves to navigate change with grace will support us in feeling confident , grounded , and hopeful about our future .

Here are seven self-nurturing practices to navigate change with grace :

1 . Honor your feelings with self-compassion and loving kindness .

Recognizing that you may experience a variety of feelings about the change , sometimes contradictory , is normal and part of the process . Acknowledge and affirm all your emotions , remind yourself that emotions are heightened during times of change , give yourself grace in this unfolding process , and remember progress not perfection .