Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 69

We “ start with the body ” to practice self-soothing and address the physical manifestations of anxiety — such as a racing heart , a pit in the stomach , and tense muscles .
1 . Start with the body . 2 . Tune in to the soul . 3 . Work with the mind .
This threefold approach is designed to address anxiety in a comprehensive and integrative manner .
As the body becomes more grounded , emotional space becomes available for the deeper “ soul work ”— the act of connecting with our innermost self .
We “ start with the body ” to practice self-soothing and address the physical manifestations of anxiety — such as a racing heart , a pit in the stomach , and tense muscles .
These physical symptoms are indicators that our nervous system is in a state of heightened alert , often referred to as the fight-or-flight response . By calming the body , we create a stable foundation for deeper healing work .
When our nervous system is more grounded , we create space to listen to the whispers of our soul . These whispers often signal that there is something within us that needs to be witnessed , felt , or expressed .

Threefold Approach to Healing ( and truly , all things in life )

1 . Start with the body . 2 . Tune in to the soul . 3 . Work with the mind .
This threefold approach is designed to address anxiety in a comprehensive and integrative manner .
This process of tuning into our inner voice allows us to identify and address the root causes of our anxiety . Engaging with our soul ’ s needs can lead to profound insights and emotional release , facilitating a safe and authentic healing journey .
Many individuals make the mistake of trying to start with changing their thoughts . This approach can feel like an uphill battle if the body is still in a state of anxiety and if we are disconnected from our inner voice . By addressing the body first , we set the stage for a more holistic and integrated healing process , where mind , body , and soul work together harmoniously .
As the body becomes more grounded , emotional space becomes available for the deeper “ soul work ”— the act of connecting with our innermost self .
This phase of healing involves tuning in to the soul , which allows us to uncover the deeper layers of our anxiety , understand its root causes , and begin the process of healing from within .
Tuning in to the soul is the act of engaging in practices that help us to connect with