Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 55


2 Start a journal : 3

As you embrace your curious nature , reflect on your interests , emotions , and experiences by writing them down in a journal or notebook . As you journal , ask probing questions to dive deeper into your thoughts and motivations . Record your discoveries along the way . This introspection fosters selfawareness , leading to a more genuine understanding of yourself .

Take a step into the unknown :

Trying something new challenges your preconceptions about yourself and expands your horizons . Stepping outside of your comfort zone encourages personal growth and self-discovery . Welcome the unfamiliar , whether it ’ s a new hobby , cuisine , or area of study . Through new experiences , uncover hidden passions , strengths , and talents , ultimately leading to a deeper understanding and acceptance of your authentic self .
Embracing the limitless possibilities of yourself fuels the journey toward understanding your true nature . Knowing your authentic self brings clarity , confidence , and alignment . It promotes genuine connections , guides decisionmaking , and cultivates inner peace , leading to a fulfilling and rewarding life adventure .
DAWN MCLAUGHLIN – Dawn McLaughlin is the author of Everyday Reiki and Spirit Allies and Healing Guides . When she isn ’ t assisting others at her holistic healing and divination center , Intuitive Hearts , located in Rhode Island , she enjoys life with her husband , Kevin , and Italian greyhound , Dharma . Her website is www . intuitivehearts . com .