Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 53

romantic relationship with my husband , and managing a corporate day job , there was a hole in my heart that was difficult to articulate . By the standards of modern society , I was a success , so why did I feel so empty ? I felt as if I was in a state of flux , unsure of who I was and what I wanted .
In my quest to fill the emptiness left as my children began their path toward adulthood , I started by reclaiming my health and routinely attending local yoga classes . A wise instructor prompted me to “ be curious and notice what ’ s happening right now .”
This simple , offhand remark illuminated a dark space within me , and I realized I had lost my curiosity . This experience and this ember of curiosity ignited my journey toward self-discovery and altered the course of my life .

With the awakening of my curious mind , I experienced a boost of creativity , problemsolving , and openmindedness .

As I began to question and reflect upon all aspects of my life , I slowly started the process of releasing the expectations I had about myself - the need to be perfect , the need to please everyone all the time , the need to toil endlessly at a corporate job that was not fulfilling me on any level except the financial one .

As I let go of these restrictive perceptions ,

I began to embrace the unlimited possibilities of my future .

As my journey unfolded , I began saying “ yes ” to pursuits that brought me joy and “ no ” to activities that drained my energy . I established boundaries , and as I did , my relationships with family and friends improved .