Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 46

46 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2024
This thing , this feeling , this is your intuition trying to guide you or even redirect you to your greatness , to what will fulfill you and round you out in a way you ’ ve never been before . It ’ s time to pay attention to it .
And you will find , as you start allowing yourself to become more aware , that everything begins to fall into place . You might even recognize your brighter , more powerful intuitive nudges . Those metaphysical prods that are helping you understand and perceive things differently than before . If you ’ re lucky enough to have already discovered your intuition , it will get stronger . And though it will become more prevalent in your life , this new awareness may start off slowly . Be patient . It ’ s working tirelessly to help you realize just how brilliant you are .
You may even know what it is you ’ d like to do . Let ’ s simply start by asking the universe for a sign . “ If I am to change direction , give me a sign to help direct me .” Then wait . Be open to seeing or experiencing some sort of guidance . What this means , simply , is if you begin to get emails from headhunters about new and different career opportunities it may be the universe answering your questions .
If you see a billboard you ’ ve never noticed before on your way to work that states , “ Are you looking for a new career ?” that is also a sign . This is the beginning of your wakeup call to move towards your greatness , that thing you are meant to do or be that will make you feel alive , or make you feel like work is no longer work , but an opportunity to enjoy life even more .

There are many ways to tap into your soul ’ s guidance .

You don ’ t need to have formal training to do it . You can start by opening up to the possibility that it exists , and your ESP ( extra sensory perception ) is there to help you . It doesn ’ t have to be a massive discovery ; in fact , it may present in a way that makes you question whether it really was more than your imagination . But it is there and there are ways to identify it .
For example , let ’ s pretend you are thinking about a career change , but are not sure you are capable or ready to make it happen .

46 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2024