Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 45

There is a change that ’ s coming — it ’ s a feeling , a knowing even that ’ s beginning to creep back into the corners of your mind that ’ s whispering to you . Right now , it ’ s possibly too soft or too gentle to hear it , but it ’ s on its way . It ’ s your soul speaking to you , letting you know it ’ s time for you to feed your spirit . It ’ s happened before , but you ’ ve let it go .
You ’ ve had bills to pay , a family to raise . It was easier to push it back down , that niggling thought there was more for you . You ’ ve let it go . Until it came back up and distracted you . It began to slide into your mind , letting you know it ’ s time . And it reminded you that you are worthy of so much .
When was the last time you felt you wanted something more ? Or you knew you were ready for a positive shift ? These feelings , these knowings , are the universe telling you it ’ s ok to make some changes . It ’ s time to begin to discover who you are , on a soul level , not as a spouse or a parent , or a child or an employee , but who you are as a person .

You were born with an inkling that it was possible to let your spirit soar , maybe just a bit at first , one step at a time .

( Though so often we forget .) It need not create a disconnect with who you are now , rather it builds upon your current life and makes you feel more whole . More solid even .