Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 39

“ Making things happen in your life , requires a faith or an ability , to believe , that is unshakable ,
regardless of circumstances .”

“ Making things happen in your life , requires a faith or an ability , to believe , that is unshakable ,

regardless of circumstances .”

With what ’ s been going on in the world , you may be feeling like you don ’ t have much control over your life . You may feel shaken to your core , your world turned upside down , and your faith stretched to the limits . Even if you ’ ve been living from a more awakened state , you may still feel uncertain as to why this is all happening . Just watching the news , being on social media , or sensing the energies of those around you can trigger feelings of uncertainty and fear .
This shaking up of our collective consciousness is awakening us to who we are at soul level . We are being challenged to transmute fear into love , align our choices with what ’ s best for every living being on the planet , and transform our lives in ways we never have before .
Being unshakable is the key to joy , happiness and inner peace during these uncertain times . It moves you from feeling uncertain about what ’ s happening in your life to handling challenging situations with trust rather than fear and trepidation . It gives you the strength not only to rise above adversity , but to use it as a springboard for personal transformation . Most of all , it makes the difference between merely surviving or thriving in your life .
When overwhelmed by fear , we tend to look at life from survival mode instead of from a higher , more spiritual perspective . Our sense of trust in the universe wavers which makes us more vulnerable to negativity and anxiety . That ’ s why it ’ s so important to drop into our hearts , raise our energies , and trust our connection to a universe that not only is friendly , but has our back .