Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 35

As we change through experiences in our daily lives , the way we relate to our home and the objects within changes . So , what may have been very useful and brought us joy in the past may now be holding us in the past .
When identifying clutter , we may ask questions like , “ Do I regularly use this item ?,” “ Does it bring me joy ?,” “ Does it represent who I am today and who I desire to be in the future ?,” “ If someone were to visit my home today , what story would this object tell about me , and is that story accurate ?”
Sometimes it is quite easy to identify clutter . Other times it may be challenging .
For those challenging times , ask yourself what you think you are giving up by releasing that object . If you still cannot make a choice , put the object in a box , seal the box and put an expiration date on it that is no more than 6-9 months away . If you haven ’ t opened the box or needed the object within that time , give the entire box away .
When examining the reasons why you may have and keep clutter , why things are out of place , or why things are hidden in your home , you can uncover and release the mindset and emotions that reinforce living with lack of clarity , lack of focused intention , and lack in general .