Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 33

a flow of giving and receiving . Abundance can be present in your life in many ways , including an abundance of time , creativity , money , relationships , clarity , joy , ideas , or anything else that you can imagine .
What is it that you want to shift into the flow of abundance ?
Holding on to clutter in the spaces of your home , even when it ’ s hidden in the basement , attic , closets or under the bed , stops the flow of energy and the flow of abundance in your life .
Once you are clear on an intention for what you are inviting more of into your life , there are some simple steps that you can take to set the stage to begin attracting more abundance into your life . Imagine the events of your life unfolding with grace and ease and holding positive expectancy for what is to come .
Now , take a look at your home . Does it reflect this expectation ?
The way you set up and maintain your home is a direct reflection of your mindset and emotions . As you change , if you don ’ t make changes in your spaces , the energy present can keep you stuck in the past .
You can also make shifts by setting up your spaces to reflect your future , ideal self to support you in bringing in more of the energy you desire .