Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 29

Identifying these parts is not difficult to do , it simply requires focus and attention .
The Internal Family Systems model has a way of explaining these challenges we all experience by describing our personality as being made up of parts . We have parts who try to protect us and parts who need protecting .
Each personality is not just made up of parts . You are there , too , Your Authentic Self at the core . This is the deepest essence of who you are . This is the You that you tap into when you feel calm , curious , compassionate , and creative . It is the You when you feel that Flow , when you Know something is a Yes , and when you feel that something is a No .
You can identify parts by simply noticing and naming anything that does not feel like you . Parts generate personality characteristics , behaviors , thoughts , beliefs , and feelings . You can begin thinking in terms of parts : A part feels , A part thinks , A part wants to do , etc .
Now , return to the parts you identified around making a change . Imagine holding one part in one hand and its counterpart in the other hand . One part wants to drink more water and you aren ’ t doing it so you know there is another part there who says , “ No , thank you . Let ’ s just forget about it .”
It is the You that is present in quiet meditation , when you are in nature . When there is more of you , your protective parts can soften and relax back knowing you are the Adult Leader they need . The Self is like the sun , always present but it cannot always be fully experienced due to the thick clouds that are the parts .
Identifying these parts is not difficult to do , it simply requires focus and attention .