Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 27

Play also encourages spontaneity and experimentation . In art journaling , this means giving yourself permission to try new techniques and materials without worrying about the outcome . Mix different media , such as watercolors , collages , and ink . Let your inner child guide you and embrace the unexpected results . This willingness to experiment can lead to surprising insights and discoveries about yourself and your experiences .
Another way to incorporate play into your art journaling practice is to use prompts that evoke a sense of fun and curiosity . Prompts like “ draw your dream world ,” “ create a page using only your favorite colors ,” or “ illustrate a funny memory ” can inspire you to tap into your playful side . These prompts encourage you to let go of seriousness and reconnect with the joy of creation .
The benefits of incorporating play into your art journaling practice are profound :
• Reduces stress : Engaging in playful activities lowers stress levels and boosts overall mood .
• Boosts creativity : Playful exploration can lead to new ideas and creative solutions .
SUSAN HENSLEY – Susan Hensley , a transformational coach , speaker , and author , empowers people to navigate life ’ s transitions with joy and resilience . With a background in HR , change leadership , coaching , and journalism , she guides clients to unlock their inner wisdom and creativity . Susan has coached employees at all levels , served as a business coach , and is a board member for a nonprofit hospital . A global adventurer , her home base is Austin , Texas . Visit www . susan-hensley . com to learn more .
• Fosters emotional well-being : Connecting with your inner child through play helps in processing emotions and fostering a sense of joy and curiosity .
• Enhances problem-solving abilities : Playful thinking allows for innovative approaches to challenges .
• Promotes a balanced brain : Engaging the right hemisphere of the brain through play fosters holistic thinking and emotional connection .
Reflecting regularly on your journal entries is also crucial . Periodically review your past pages and consider how your perspectives and emotions have evolved . This reflection not only provides valuable insights but also serves as a powerful reminder of your progress and growth .
Rediscovering the power of play through art journaling can transform the way we approach life ’ s challenges . By engaging in playful , creative activities , we tap into a deeper sense of joy and creativity .
This not only alleviates stress but also opens up new ways of thinking and problemsolving . Embrace the power of play , trust your creative instincts , and let your art journal be a testament to the joy and resilience that lies within you .