Aug/Sept 2024 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25

As adults , the demands of work , family , and daily responsibilities often push play into the background . However , research has shown that play remains essential throughout our lives . According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science , engaging in playful activities can enhance problemsolving abilities , foster creativity , and improve overall emotional well-being .
Play activates the right hemisphere of our brain , which is responsible for creativity , intuition , and holistic thinking . This contrasts with the left hemisphere , which focuses on logic , analysis , and detail-oriented tasks .
By engaging our right brain through play , we can approach problems from new angles , see the bigger picture , and connect with our emotions more deeply .
This balanced integration of both hemispheres leads to a more holistic approach to life ’ s challenges , enabling us to navigate them with greater ease and creativity .
Art journaling is a perfect way to incorporate play into our lives . It provides a safe space to explore our thoughts and emotions through creative expression . The act of putting pen to paper , combining colors , and experimenting with different materials can be incredibly liberating . It allows us to step out of our analytical minds and into a more intuitive , playful state .
To begin harnessing the power of play through art journaling , it ’ s essential to create an environment that encourages exploration and fun .