Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 79

amazing benefits . Try a creative or artistic pursuit you did as a child , or try something you ’ ve always wanted to do but never took the time for ; ( e . g . piano lessons , salsa dancing , water color painting ), and notice how it makes you feel . Many people when they engage in a creative pursuit feel relaxed , like a child at play , and it takes their mind off work . After engaging in an artistic pursuit , you often are more productive , and more focused .

Key # 3 :

Consciously Create Right and Left Brain / Body Balance are branches growing out of the bottom of your feet going deep down into the earth . Imagine the beautiful mother earth energy coming up through those roots , through the bottom of your feet , through your body and coming to rest in your heart . Now imagine you have branches coming out of the top of your head , growing high up to the sky and tapping into the universal , source , heavenly energy ( whatever you choose to call it ). Imagine warm , loving energy coming down through those branches , through the top of your head and coming to rest in your heart . Imagine being supported by both the sky and the earth .

Try unplugging from technology 90 minutes before you retire at night . You will likely experience a deeper and more restful sleep .


I encourage you to experiment with integrating the 3 keys and powerful practices from each one into your life , and notice how it affects your body , mind , relationships , and your bottom line .
The cultures of India and China have recognized the importance of a balanced life for thousands of years .
Several proven strategies to help you to create right and left brain / body balance are : 1 ) Grounding ; and 2 ) Unplugging from technology .
At the beginning of each day , and before an important meeting or event , find a quiet space , close your eyes , and imagine there
PAMELA THOMPSON - Pamela Thompson supports women to get clear on their passions , navigate transitions with ease , grace , and playfulness , and transform their lives from constantly doing and giving to healthy balanced lives THEY design and love through her engaging workshops , speaking and writing . She is author of Learning to Dance with Life : A Guide for High Achieving Women and The Exploits of Minerva . pamela-thompson . com .