Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 74

74 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023
messages rather than doing was others suggest , especially if what they suggest is not in sync with our energy .
Does that mean you should never listen to what the experts tell you ? No , certainly not . There are many good ideas and strategies out there that everyone can use . The secret to success is in how you implement the strategies . That is the piece that must be in alignment with your Human Design Energy Type and Strategy . need to gain perspective . They must be in the right place , at the right time , with the right people to make their impact . Remaining open and waiting for the right timing is the strategy that will bring them the most success .

How to Align Your Natural Human Design Strategy with Your Business Strategy for Greater Results

You may have noticed that divine timing is an important component of Human Design Strategy . The waiting can be difficult , and it flies in the face of how we are told to do business . We live in a ‘ Just Do It ’ business world . But mastering the timing piece will make the difference between great success and no success . Do what feels right for you . When you pay attention to your body and your gut feelings , you will get the signs you need to tell you when and how to move forward . We all need to remember how to tune in to ourselves and listen to our own
MANIFESTORS can initiate whenever they want to . Timing is less of a factor for them , but they should still check in with their gut or their intuition to feel into whether what they want to do feels right . Once they feel it is right , they can move forward but their first step to ensure success must be to inform those that will be a part of their plan and those that will be impacted by it of what they are doing . Again , this is not asking permission or seeking approval , this is just informing . If Manifestors do not get a positive response to what they are proposing , it does not mean they shouldn ’ t do it . They may need to continue to inform and explain to help further understanding and make sure there is no miscommunication but if their gut tells them to move forward , they should trust their gut .
GENERATORS must have something to respond to that comes from outside themselves . It should be something they are passionate about because Generators are here to learn to master the work , they have passion for . Passion is a key component because when a Generator is passionate , they naturally share that passion . Passionate people are contagious , and that helps to make them attractive to others around what they are doing . I ’ m often asked what a

74 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023