Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 73

executing your plans feels easier . Things flow and the success you will achieve , the fulfillment you feel will soar . It is important to understand your energetic strategy and align your business strategies with your Human Design Strategy to give you and your business the best chance of success .

There are 4 Human Design Strategies , and they are unique to each energy type .

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To Inform for Manifestors To Respond for Generators
To Be Invited or Recognized for Projectors
To Wait a Lunar Cycle for Reflectors

The 4 Strategies and How to Align with Them

TO INFORM is the strategy for Manifestors . They are the only type that has initiating energy . They can start projects and execute plans without any external signs . They are idea people and can run with a new idea generated inside their heads . However , other types find their initiating energy disturbing and can be caught off guard by a change or resist the ideas a Manifestor is proposing . A Manifestor Type is best served when they inform others of their plans so people can prepare . This is not asking for approval . It is simply informing but it paves the path for the Manifestor to put their new thoughts out into the world in a way that generates interest and acceptance rather than resistance . TO RESPOND is the strategy for all Generators . Generators do not have initiating energy and when they put an idea or execute a plan in the world without responding to an external cue or sign , their ideas and plans often go unnoticed . Generators need to be scanning their environment for something to respond to . It can be a question , a problem , an opportunity , or a gut reaction to something in their outer environment but it cannot be an idea that came out of their own head . Generators have magnetized energy and they will naturally pull things to respond to into their energy field . This strategy requires that Generators have patience and wait for something they are passionate about to come into their field of view . Waiting can be hard because it is not how we are taught to operate . However , Generators will have much better outcomes when they create their plans and execute them in response to something outside of themselves .
TO BE INVITED OR RECOGNIZED is the strategy for Projectors . Like Generators , Projectors do not have initiating energy . They need to wait for an invitation or to be recognized and called out to make their contribution . Projectors are highly insightful and eager to share what they know with others . They can see other people ’ s potential , the possibilities , and people ’ s blocks . When a Projector shares without being invited or asked , their insight can fall on deaf ears or even repel the people they are trying to help . Waiting is difficult . But waiting for an invitation that may never come can be excruciating for a Projector and can cause them to become bitter if they feel their insights are not welcomed .
TO WAIT A WHOLE LUNAR CYCLE is the right strategy for Reflectors . Reflectors