Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 70

70 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023
Learning how to feel confident and trust that they and their loved ones are safe and cared for is key to becoming a thriving and unflustered Executive mom .


Silly and New . Every week , spend 20-30 minutes trying something new , something you ’ re not good at . Preferably , try something physical and fun like roller skating , line dancing , or drawing cartoon figures . This one is powerful because if you do it with the kids , they ’ ll see a totally different side of you . Letting go of control and taking time to enjoy yourself doing something that isn ’ t directly related to the health or safety of loved ones can be powerful self-care for Executive moms .

The Dynamo Mom

Dynamo moms are very comfortable and accustomed to running a million miles an hour . Because of this , they tend to be very accomplished , motivated , and organized , and function well in a competitive , high-achieving environment . Feelings of self-worth and happiness are often associated with managing the kid ’ s school work , social plans , and future goals . Their primary challenge in life is slowing down so they can truly acknowledge , appreciate , and enjoy the fruits of their labor . Learning how to tune in to the present moment more often is the key to becoming a thriving and unflustered Dynamo momma .


Mindfulness . Take a mindfulness shower . Notice the feeling of the water on your toes , the sound of the pitter-patter of droplets , and the smell of the conditioner to tune in to the present moment more powerfully . Lock the door and / or let the kids know that you will be unavailable for the next 15 minutes - interruptions only allowed for vomiting or profuse bleeding . Spending time shifting your attention from your mind and the future to your body and the present moment can serve to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety for Dynamo mommas .
When mothers better understand their triggers and emotional needs , they ’ re far more likely to communicate and fulfill those needs . When moms are more emotionally resilient , they are more likely to make good decisions , focus better , feel better , sleep better , and raise more emotionally resilient children . Every mom deserves to thrive .
AMBER TRUEBLOOD , MBA - Amber is a licensed therapist , bestselling author , coach , and mother of four sons . She has over 25 years of experience in mental health , and co-founded The M . E . C . A . Project to help teens and young adults thrive Mentally and Emotionally through Conscious Awareness . Amber has been featured in People , Oprah Magazine , CNN , Motherhood Maternity , KTLA5 , Good Day LA , and many more . The The Flourish Quiz today .
Learn more about Amber at www . ambertrueblood . com . You can follow her on Instagram and join The Unflustered Mom FB Community .

70 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023